Monday, September 05, 2005

Two Weeks...

Is a very long time when you're alone.

Let me explain, my girlfriend lives on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean from me, and in fact we also have a goodly sized chunk of the continental United States between us too, as she lives in Colorado, a time difference of 7 hours from me. Because of this we don't get to see each other online anywhere near as often as I'd like us too, and thats gotten less of late.

The reason being we decided that meeting face to face in the real world would be the best way to take our relationship to the next level. So we both booked off two weeks in late October and got saving, me by selling off old toys and junk I no longer wanted on ebay, she by working a truly hideous amount of overtime at the store she works at. We found out that we needed about $700 for the tickets for her to come over and spend those couple weeks with me. Well I've got my half saved and ready, and the last time we talked she had more than her half.

Now it is not unknown for us to go without seeing eacvh other for a few days at a time, only the last time we talked was August 20th, and I've not seen hide nor hair of her since, she's not been in the chatroom (she only really ever went in there when she knew I'd be there anyway), no replies to the emails I've sent, no messages left for me on MSN (which I keep logged in 24/7), nothing but silence. And I'm getting worried now, and so I'm getting a bit paranoid.

I know her full name, I know what town she lives in and in what state. Yesterday I did a Google search for her and found 1 person in Colorado with her name... only she's married to a pilot and living in another town. She's also a corporate manager. Not exactly the 22 year old single convinience store worker that I'm suppossed to meet at Gatwick Airport (near London) in 5 weeks time. Part of me laughs at this, I mean it can't be my girl right? I have photos of her, quite a few of them. And part of me isn't sure, and is glad I've yet to send her the money.

I don't know what to do. She could have had a computer blow out, been hurt in some way, lost her house, been robbed. There are a hundred genuine reasons why she's not been in touch for 2 weeks, and just that 1 nagging reason that keeps coming to the front of my thoughts to explain her absence. Either way I hope I see her again soon, I miss her.

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