Monday, September 05, 2005

Hot... Too Hot!

Phew... It's 2:30am. By rights I should be asleep by now, normally I would be, only its a holiday and if you can't stay up stupidly late on holiday then when can you?

But tonight is not a nice night, it's hot, sticky, and the air is so thick I could probably cut a slice of it if I were so inclined to try. So I'm sat at my computer, not the slightest bit sleepy, sipping iced fruit cordial by the pint in a somewhat futile effort to stay cool. The back door is open onto my tiny garden, the kitchen window is open also, only there's no breeze, so no air is circulating. I can't open my own rooms window (believe me, I've tried!).

I have very little inclination to do anything, but apparently enough to sit here, type and ramble on. Ohh and paint, every now and then I shift to my painting desk (conviniently next to my computer desk) and add a few touches to one of the many figures sat there, slowly but surely working towards their completion, whereupon they can join the rather pathetically small collection of completed figures on their shelf. My unfinished figures outnumber the finished ones by a factor of something like 20 to 1.

I would try to sleep, only it is too hot to sleep under covers, and the idea of trying to sleep in this heat frankly makes me cringe, plus I'm not sleepy so all I'd end up doing is lying there and sweating in the dark. Not exactly an appealing way to pass the time.

I'm out of cordial, need more. Must stay cool.

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