Saturday, September 10, 2005

Soaked To The Skin

Friday night is D&D night, has been for years now. Though the venue sometimes changes (right now it is the Albemarle Centre across town), and the players and even the DM changes, friday night as D&D night remains inviolate. So with that in mind off I set at 5:30pm today with my backpack full of books, dice, pencil case, miniatures, notes, pad of paper, as well as another bag containing our groups 4 reuseable battlemats (actually Gareth's property, but he never carries them around, that's my job apparently!)

But as it was brilliant sunshine I went out in just jeans and my Djork T-Shirt (from the PvP webcomic store). Fast forward 4 hours to when the game is done, I'm all packed up and leaving the Centre... and its tipping it down with rain. Now rain doesn't actually bother me, I don't mind getting wet, I mean it's water right? It's not like molten lava or pure acid is falling from the sky, just water, it can't hurt me. So I walked home and yes, I got drenched. I'm sat here typing this in wet clothes.

Winter is coming, month after month of it being cold, dark, wet, windy and miserable. I can't wait!

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