Saturday, September 03, 2005

H O L I D A Y !!!

Yes a week of no work, well not paid work at any rate. Still I can hardly call the coming week restful. In addition to a large laundry pile and a very onerous looking pile of dishes needing doing, I have a painting table chock full of semi-painted metal figures that I really should get to work on. I aim to complete at least a few of them.

I also have a monster project that I'm working on, to build... well, a monster. A Tarrasque to be precise. You can see where I got the idea, and some of my work on this behemoth at the EN World boards here: (scroll down to my posts). Since the first 5 photos posted there I'll admit I actually haven't done any more of it. I got that much done on my last holiday. So this week I need to head to the art shop in town, get some plaster of paris, assemble the other leg and fill both of them to give the critter weight, then build a 150x150mm base for it to stand on, trim everything to fit, glue the remaining parts together and then fill any gaps with putty. Easy! *whimpers*

Too I have a lot of typing to get done. I'm 3 sessions behind on typing out my D&D campaign's story logs, which I keep online here: so that needs doing, so I can get caught back up to where we finished at last night (the group meets every Friday night at the local games club). And I want to get this done before next Friday else I'll end up even further behind.

Plus my MSN is rarely not beeping merrily away as one or another of my contacts wishes to talk about something or other, and I have roleplay obligations to my homestone (gorean chatroom) Parrot Cove. So all in all a busy week ahead. But at least I don't have to wear a shirt and tie, that stupid apron and hat and that... wretched name badge!

I have two bottles of red wine in the fridge (yes I like red wine chilled, and before you call me a heathen, try it. Red wine is delicious cold), a big loaf of fresh slightly crusty bread, corned beef, pink salmon, chilli sauce, ice pops, milk, coffee and sweetener, plus a freezer and cupboards full of good stuff to eat. I'm going to enjoy my week off work!

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