Friday, November 04, 2005

Rogues Gallery: Richard Adams

For this, the fourth entry in the gallery, I have chosen to profile my friend Richard. I do apologise for the photo, he looks drunk, stoned, and/or asleep in it. He was in fact none of these, at the time, but as he put it "I'm not very photogenic".

I'm not entirely sure how I first met Rich. I know I'd heard of him before I met him, as he worked in the supermarket with my sister, and she would regularly come home to relate the doings of herself and her minions (Rich and another friend, Sean Chard).

A little older than me (he just passed his 30th birthday), Rich is about 6'3" tall and no matter what he eats, he never seems to put on any weight. Rich lives with his older brother Derek in a very nice flat near to the supermarket where both he and I work. Truly, they have a lounge to be envied, and it is a rare occasion when I visit him and/or his brother, that it is just them in the place (though this could be partly due to them having Sky TV, and a very liberal attitude towards what they watch).

A fan of the Star Wars Galaxies online rpg, he and Dan can bore me near to tears talking about it, though it is very clear that they have a lot of fun playing it. Rich has arguably the best sense of humour of anyone I know, he doesn't take himself too seriously (the guy wears giant white tiger head slippers in the canteen at work!), is fond of a joke and has a perpetual friendly grin. He is also ridiculously easy to scare, and has jumped out of his skin a few times now, turning round and seeing me just stood quietly nearby, having not noticed me until then, and thats without me even trying to scare him!

He is one of only a very few mates of mine, that if we go out out on the town, will actually hit the dancefloor (Jon and Tony being the other two). Rich for a time was a member of my Friday Night D&D group, until other commitments drew him elsewhere. He thanked me for letting him join the group, if only for a short while, as he told me that he learnt a lot about the game. You're welcome back anytime mate. He is also a fan of the World of Darkness games (Vampire and Werewolf).

Everyone likes Rich. And I do mean everyone! I've never known of anyone being angry at him, my Mum has "adopted" him as a new son, heck even my Nan adores him!! It baffles me as to why he is still single, since he is arguably the most likeable person I've ever met.

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