Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Damn It Linda!!

Linda (who I know from the Market House pub) and I send each other an email now and then. I send chat her way, she sends some back, and sometimes an attachment. The first was a song by a band named Catherine Wheel, which I reviewed in an earlier post (Eat My Dust in the October archive). Yesterday she sent me a short video file.

The name of the file was something like "Scary Ghost Car", or something close to that anyway. I'm no great fan of being scared, but I figured what the hell. So up it pops on Media Player, and I'm watching a silver car driving down a country lane in the sunshine. It drives along and goes behind a tree... and it doesn't emerge, and so I naturally lean forwards and... a fricking ghost/zombie thing leaps up at the front of the screen, screaming its lungs out, which of course doubles my heart rate, not to mention making me jump about 6' backwards, which is not easy when in a directors style chair I can tell you!.

Anyone who knows horror movies (looking at you Jeannette), is likely having a good chuckle at my expense right now. It is always the quick shock type scares that get me. I can deal with any amount of dread and portent and the like, but the sudden shocks make me jump every bloody time. Thanks for the adrenaline jolt Linda!

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