Saturday, November 26, 2005

A (Mostly) Quiet Saturday

Today has been pretty routine thus far, just taken it easy. Watched Smallville to get caught up on that, until the early hours of this morning, then some sleep for a few hours. Got some laundry done (mostly T-shirts cos I was running low on them), and played Civ III for a few hours this morning, but no significant progress made in any of my saved games as yet.

Had the idea to go and see the new Harry Potter movie, so had to endure a truly terrfying ride down to the cinema on the back of Tony's motorbike (the roads are a bit slippery right now!). Grabbed a ham, cheese and pepperoni baguette thing from the Drive Thru McDonalds, which was really good as I was quite ravenous (had forgotten to eat thus far today... again). Ever since the government started making life harder for the junk fast food chains, they've really put some effort into changing their unhealthy image. To me, this is a very good thing.

The film was visually stunning, if a little jumpy storywise, as huge chunks were left out of the plot. This was to be expected given that the book is 500+ pages long, and fitting all of that into 2.5 hours, simply isn't possible. Still, the film does visit a few plot threads and then not resolve them (most notably Herminone vs Rita Skeeter). A cold bike ride back (must remember gloves for next time), brings me to where I am now, cooking a stir fry and debating whether or not to go out tonight. I know I said last week that I'd give it a miss, but I do enjoy going out, it's the coming back that I hate.

As for the (Mostly) part of the title... well that refers to the noise coming from the room below me as I write this, where Gareth is watching a Rugby match and snarling, bellowing and shouting at the television all the while. I can't make out a lot of the specific words, but the intent is obvious.

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