Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A Lack Of Explosions

I'm sat here typing this with the curtains open looking out, as the street outside is drenched by another autumn downpour, contentedly munching on a Domino's pizza (the one with all the meat), and it just struck me that outside is silent. Well okay, not silent exactly, there are cars going past, and sometimes people talking, but what there isn't are the loud bangs and flashes of fireworks going off.

Now I know that Bonfire Night is 4 days away, but usually at about this time of year there are fireworks going off most nights in the week leading up to it, and then for a few nights afterwards as people buy the now reduced price fireworks from retailers. But so far this year, I've not heard one firework let off. I am wondering whether that is because of all the rain we have had lately, or because this year November 5th is on a Saturday, and everyone is saving the fireworks for the weekend. Just seems strange to me, for it to be so quiet.

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