Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Somebody Just Died Outside

For the past hour or so I've been stood in my bay window, looking out over the activity in the street outside. There's been a traffic accident you see, and someone has died. The police have now sealed off the road, and the various witnesses to the event have been taken to the Police Station (four doors down to the right), to give statements.

I didn't see the event itself, but from what I can tell from looking at the aftermath and hearing snippets of conversations between the police officers and the witnesses, an old man had a heart attack at the wheel, veered across the road into uncoming traffic, and clipped a car, before careening back into the lane outside my front door, where it ploughed into the pavement and ended up perched atop a large floral display tub that is fixed into the ground there.

I started watching just after this, as the noise from outside drew my attention. I saw the police come running from their station. I saw them haul the driver out of the car and perform CPR. I saw them fail to revive him after a few minutes of trying. When the ambulance arrived, they put the body on a stretcher and put it into the back and left it alone. It was a minute or so before they closed the doors on the back of the vehicle. I've never seen a dead body before, it is quite a humbling experience.

Right now the police outside are going over every inch of the road, taking down notes on their clipboards, while others around the perimeter redirect the traffic (both cars and pedestrians). I am somewhat surprised that no-one has knocked on our door wanting to take a statement from me, as I've been very visible in the window watching over the proceedings. Still as I didn't see the accident itself, then my testimony would be of no value.

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