Thursday, December 15, 2005

Please Make It Stop!!

Ever since my place of work converted from a Safeway supermarket to a Morrisons supermarket back in February, I've had to listen to the piped music over the stores tannoy system. Now this isn't such a bad thing, they play a lot of music I like such as 80's stuff. Granted they play a fair amount of music I don't like so much too, but quite a few songs on the regular play list have struck a chord with me and I've ended up buying the mp3 of that tune online.

Everybody knew that come this time of year the piped music was going to feature Xmas songs. Now I like a fair few Xmas songs, and some of them have been playing now and then. But one song is driving me slowly insane. The culprit is "I Saw Mummy Kissing Santa Claus", which I think is by the Jackson Five, or a solo effort by a young Micheal Jackson. I HATE this song with a passion. The tune is whiny, the lyrics are terrible (and very repetitive, which to me is just lazy songwriting), and the kid singing it has a voice so high it sounds like he has been castrated.

The tannoy system is playing this song several times a day (in a 10:30am-6:30pm shift today, I counted it being played 6 times!), and I shudder every time I hear it. If anyone reading this has a time machine (as unlikely as that is), do me and the human race a favour would you? Go back and shoot the kid who sung this musical atrocity before it was recorded!

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