Monday, December 12, 2005

Ahhh That's Better

My hair is once again shaved short, my scalp can breathe and no longer suffocate under an unruly mop of hair. I hate my hair, I really do. I like the colour of it, but that is about the only characteristic of it that I do like. It feels awful, even just after washing and conditioning it it feels dry and lifeless to me. I grew it long when I was in college ohh many moons ago, and wore it with a bandana headband (actually a long strip of grey material made by my Mum out of the leg of a pair of school trousers there due to be binned), wound twice round my head and then tied at the back. I have a photo of what I looked like back then (No I'm not posting it here, I'd have to be drunk to do that, and right now I'm stone cold sober) somewhere, and gawd I wince when I see what I looked like back then.

Having my hair short also flatters me a little, in that it mostly conceals the couple patches on the top of my head where I am beginning to go bald. Yeah, I'm not even 30 yet (35 days and counting down until that happens), and I'm already going bald. This is my Dad's fault, well his DNA anyway, though my Mum would likely insist that "these things skip a generation, and therefore it's my fathers fault".

Another thing I hate about my hair is that at the back of my head, in a band between my ears, the hair there grows in the opposite direction. that is to say that it grows upwards, towards the top of my head. Naturally since the rest of my hair grows downwards towards my shoulders, this results in an area where my hair gets knotted very easily, and as I found out when I did have it long, these knots can be very painful to have to tug out with a comb each morning. I think I look better with very short hair, and since I started University in October 1996, this has been the way I prefer to look (though I initially had my hair shaved to save money on shampoo while I was a student).

Did a bit of shopping in the supermarket where I work on the way home from the Barber's, including getting my Dad's Xmas present, so that I just have Mum's left to buy now (if she can ever remember what it is that she wants!). Hopefully I can get that one bought on the weekend and bring my present shopping to a close with a week to go, which would be nice as the last couple years I've had at least a present still to get on Xmas Eve itself.

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