Monday, December 19, 2005

A Relaxing Weekend

Short of being on holiday, I can't remember the last time I have had a weekend as laid back as this one has been. I had Friday off work, and there was no D&D for me to run that night either, so that was a good start. Granted I had to work Saturday, but my shift didn't start until 12 noon, heck I was still in bed at 10:30am that day. And the shift was easy, Saturday closedown is always quiet. Well from about 6pm once all the stock counts have been taped onto the system it is anyway.

And then I've had yesterday and today off work also. So I've stayed up late (very late, like going to bed at 5am late!), and watched a couple movies (Madagascar and The Scorpion King), as well as a lot of episodes of The West Wing, and well that's about it really, not had the money to do anything else what with going to see King Kong on Friday and then going out that night too. In fact my weekend would be just about perfectly relaxing if it weren't for the top of my mouth. Allow me to explain.

I stayed in bed late on Saturday, and so hadn't eaten anything by the time it was time to get ready for work. So I figured I'd get to work a bit early and grab a quick lunch in the canteen before starting my shift on time. So that's what I did. I got there 15 mins early, and bought myself pie and chips. Hindsight is 20/20 or so it is said, and boy do I get that now. They start serving lunches at noon in our canteen, so all the food in the cabinet is literally just out of the ovens (especially 15 mins beforehand). Including the pies!

I shovelled up a mouthful of pie, didn't think to blow on it to cool it, and popped it into my mouth... where it promptly seared the entire top of my mouth. It is still very painful now a couple days later. I can't eat anything spicy or too hot, the same goes for drink (luckily I like cold coffee, so I'm not denied that pleasure). Every now and then a layer of what I presume is skin peels off it, so it is healing up, albeit slower than I'd like. Memo to self: Always blow on food to cool it.

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