Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Ill Again

I can remember a time not so long ago when I hardly ever got ill. Sure I'd get the sniffles, or a cough but it was never serious and I could continue working through it. The cold would be gone in a couple days. My only regular worry was headaches. Not so nowadays, when bugs seem to be getting past my immune system all the time.

Take this current one. I finished work last night at 9pm and was fine. By the time I got home I felt cold, so I wrapped up in my dressing gown. Didn't help at all. By 11pm I was shuddering uncontrollably, teeth were chattering together and I felt cold through to the bone. So I went to bed, I have a 13 tog quilt on my bed, and I snuggled up under that. All the while trembling nonstop. I couldn't get to sleep, and about an hour later I had to get up very suddenly and dash to the loo to be sick.

I've been back and forth ever since, all last night and this morning. Both vomiting and diarrhea. Right now I feel utterly hollow. I'm not eating anything today. Past experience of this sort of bug has taught me that the best way to kill it is to starve it out, so all I'm taking today is water, both to fill my stomach (and thus stop me from going mad with hunger), and to flush my body through. Combined with the ache from the top of my mouth, I'm not in a good way. Took the day off work, which I can't really afford to do. I just hope I'm feeling better for the weekend.

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