Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's Resolutions 2006

Well don't ask me what it was like to see in the New Year by myself, because I fell asleep at about 10pm and slept right though it. I did wake up a bit later to the sound of my clearly very drunk housemates having a sword fight (likely using Gareth's LARP weapons), but I pretended to still be asleep, and soon enough I wasn't faking.Woke up again at about 4:30am.

So it's a new year, and tradition dictates that people are meant to make a list of things they are and aren't going to do in this year, and at least try to follow that list. so here are my resolutions for 2006:

  1. I am going to try to lose weight. I have no plan as to how to do this, but currently I weigh about 18-19 stone, and that makes me about 6 stone overweight (or around 84lbs heavier than I should be for my height). I want to do this not only for the health benefit, but also I think a lot of my lack of self confidence can be traced to me not feeling good about how I look.
  2. I am going to reduce the number of things I own. I have literally hundreds of comics, toys & books that I neither read, play with or want any more. I can sell these and use the money to reduce the debt I owe on my credit card.
  3. I will try harder to stay in credit in my bank accounts, and not live in my overdrafts as I have been doing this past year.
  4. I will try and put a couple pounds aside each week, as an end of year fund. If I keep to this every week, then when it comes around to Xmas again, I should have a fund for around £100 to buy presents and see in the New Year with.
  5. I will spend less on D&D books, I have shelves of them already and I don't need any more of them. The one exception being Forgotten Realms books, as I buy those as much to read and enjoy as I do to use in the game.
  6. I will get rid of the last few videos I own.
I think that should be enough to try and adhere too, a mixture of easy and really hard commandments to strive towards. You'll notice I didn't set myself the task of finding a partner. That is an ongoing process and while it is one that I am committed towards, it is also not something I care to try and put a time limit on. It is a heart's desire, not simply an objective to be achieved.

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