Saturday, October 08, 2005

Staying In

I'm not going out tonight. Been out three Saturday's in a row now, and I couldn't afford last week but was given the money. Not the case this week, so I'm staying in. This is actually good (though I will miss dancing the night away), as I have some typing to do, and a lot of American TV watching to catch up on (with the exception of a very few shows I utterly despise British television).

So I'm gonna cook myself a nice meal (yes I can cook), probably chinese stir fry or if I have any naan bread in the freezer, then I might whip up a chicken balti instead. And there is plenty of milk in the house for coffee. So I'll likely spend a lot of this evening crashed out in a leather armchair, upstairs in Tony's lair, watching episodes of Lost. The cough seems to be finally dying, it can be hours now between a hacking fit and they don't last long, so that's good.

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