Thursday, October 06, 2005

Die Bug Die

I've been ill for a while now, and this is now officially the longest that I have ever been sick (that I know of), this current bout of illness now beating the first three weeks at University when I suffered with Lampeter Flu (named for the town. Anyone who comes to the University there, who hasn't had it before, will get it and suffer with it for up to a month).

I've lost the rest of the flu, that's dead and done, no runny nose, drowsiness, cold sweats, headaches. They are defeated. But I just can't seem to shift this bloody cough. It's not even that bad a cough really, it has its bad moments sure but I can go a couple hours sometimes between it acting up. It just annoys the hell out of me that it is there, lurking, ready to strike.

So I've had enough, and have now bought a bottle of the most vicious cough medicine I know of, Covonia. The stuff tastes like... well sort of a mutant cross between licorice and what you would imagine your own armpit tastes like after a five mile jog! Still as utterly revolting as it tastes I'm hoping it can do the job. And I have plenty of orange juice to swill my mouth out with after it has gone down.

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