Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A Rotten Day Off

I've had today off work and not enjoyed it one bit. I woke up with a headache that has come and gone all day, and as a result of that I've spent the majority of today asleep. I have had little to no appetite all day, though about an hour ago I finally managed to get hungry enough to eat a Fray Bentos pie.

So in addition to losing most of the day to sleep, I also got a call from work earlier to state that as of tomorrow I'm moving department from the Cake Shop to Admin, as the Cake Shop has to cut hours and that means one of the four full timers has to go. Intially they wanted Jeannette to move, she threatened to walk out of the company entirely, so now it's my turn in line. I could threaten to do the same, but I've never really gotten along that well with my supervisor, and the Admin office is a nice place to work. I'll give it a try at least.

Also in the few hours I have been awake I was "treated" to a monster catfight on MSN as my online kajira squared off against a couple others. I'm still thinking that one through, her behaviour was, well frankly, appalling. I gave her the option to be free and she refused it. With any luck that is the end of the matter, but somehow I doubt I've heard the end of it.

[EDIT] I hadn't heard the end of it, and later on I released her from my collar.

I've gotten nothing done today, no D&D logs typed up, no washing up done, no laundry done, no prep for friday nights session done. Nothing. A complete waste of a day!

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