Thursday, March 30, 2006

Spring Cleaning

No not the house, though some parts of it could use a tidy up. Instead I've made a few alterations to this site. Nothing really major, just some tweaks to the html to tidy it up a bit and make the place look better (even though it looks exactly the same). I have also edited the list of links.

The Movie Review Diary has changed its name to Celluloid Heroes for no reason that I can think of, guess its author got bored of the old name. Anyway, that link has been renamed accordingly. After the writer completely messing up the multi-part storyline that had been running in Pet Professional in favour of returning to repetitive one shots I've removed the link to that comic in disgust.

I have however replaced one webcomic with two others. Please welcome (and hopefully read & enjoy) the webcomics Penny and Aggie as well as Brat-halla.

Penny and Aggie is about two American girls in high school. Penny LeVac is the atypical rich bitch overacheiver (think Cordelia from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and you're on the right track). Her nemesis is Aggie D'Amour a girl more concerned with saving the world than living her own life. Penny and Aggie is updated every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

Brat-halla is a fun comic which answers the question: "What were the Norse Gods like when they were kids?". Meet Odin and his wife Frigg and their unruly brood of child deities: Thor, Heimdall, Hod, Baldur, Hermod... ohh and Loki! Complicating matters are the evil Odineye and his minions, plus hormones, underdressed Valkyries, monsters, school and having Hel as a babysitter! Brat-halla is updated on Tuesdays.

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