Saturday, March 11, 2006

Runaway Train Of Thought

I've lost count now of the number of times that inspiration has struck, only to leave me as quickly as it arrived. So many times I've had an idea worth writing about (at least in my opinion), and I've opened up a Blogger window or an application of Open Office or Wordpad but invariably the notion will have fled my mind before I can commit it to type or even just scrawl it down on a piece of paper. It is a very frustrating experience to sit and stare at a blank sheet of paper or a blank section of screen, knowing that I had something, only moments before, that compelled me to open that window and yet now it is gone from my mind.

When I created this blog I included at the top of it (under the awesome picture that I named the site for), the reason why I had made it. This is exactly what I meant by my mind being a whirlwind of ideas and images that is beyond my control. This occurence happens all too often and it drives me nuts, as while I cannot recall what it was that motivated me to write, I have the blank screen or sheet of paper before me as a visual reminder that I obviously did have something to write about just moments before.

It is as though my mind torments me, with fleeting thoughts and ideas. I'd like to think that because they vanish almost as quickly as they arrive, that perhaps my subconscious has evaluated the thought and decided it was not worth writing about after all. But, while that may or may not be the case, the lingering notion of loss is both confusing and frustrating for me to deal with. I'm writing this now not because I had the idea to do so, but because this same thing has just happened again and I'm irritable enough to write and make an issue of it!

I feel a little better now for having gotten that rant out of my head. This rant was brought to you today by the letters B***** and F*** and the sound of "Arrggghhhh!!!"

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