Sunday, March 26, 2006


After work yesterday I went over to my parents house. This was primarily so I could get my head shaved, as Dad has a Do-It-Yourself hair-cutting kit. He has shaved my head many times now and it is far cheaper to do it this way than to pay £6 to get a barber to do exactly the same thing. Of course a barber likely wouldn't get the attachment to the razor wrong and when I'd ask for a Grade 2 cut that would be what I'd get. Dad, on the other hand, gave me a Grade 1 shave all over and only halfway through remarked "You know... this looks shorter than normal".

My other reason for going over was so I could have a rummage through the various boxes of my old stuff in my parents attic. Specifically I was looking for a box of metal miniature figures which I knew I owned and had not painted. The figures in question are all out of print and regularly fetch a good sum on ebay. While I would dearly love to paint them I have another plan for these models. I intend to sell them off individually, as I've seen these figures go for £20+ each before now... and I have 14 of them! The money will clear a nice chunk of debt off my credit card thus reducing how much I owe and how many things I own. Two New Year's resolutions in one.

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