Monday, April 10, 2006

Waiting For The Hammer To Fall

So I'm happy. I really am. For once things actually seem to be going my way, which to be frank, is a bloody nice change of pace! True I am still deeply in debt, but I have that under control and my ebay auctions are going well, with the first wave done and the second already listed and attracting bids and watchers aplenty. I have hundreds of comics to sell off and a lot of old toys, even some books too, over the coming months. That money is going to be put to use, reducing the amount I owe.

I'm doing okay at work and I have a grasp on most of what my job entails now. I'm getting more Sunday work which is good, as working a Sunday adds about £18 to my weekly wage. This also helps my finances out, as that money is my entertainment money each week. It is the money I have for the cinema, a DVD, a Domino's pizza or a bunch of novels to fuel my reading habit.

Now normally if I was to write something like this, I'd have to concede that part of my life isn't going so well and what would follow would be a short tale of some romantic screw-up or other meaning that I'm still alone. Not this time. This time, romantically, things are going well. I've had a lot of interest on the site I'm listed on and I think (fingers crossed) that I've found the girl for me. We certainly get on really well in chat. Now we just have to figure out how to get together, which could be a bit tricky, seeing as she's in Africa. Still, I am hopeful that won't prove to be an obstacle for much longer.

So, things are going well for me, even today is nice (what little I'll get to see of it as I overslept till 4pm) with me off work and the sun is shining. Which brings me to the title of this post, a line from a song by Queen, which sums up my underlying notion that something bad is sure to happen soon. To put it better, I refer to a quote from Babylon 5 by the Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari, in which he says:

"Everytime it seems I am truly happy, the universe sees fit to conspire to do something nasty to me"

Never have truer words been spoken, well certainly not in relation to me anyway! Bring it on universe!

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