Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Next Phase

I have several goals for this year, and right now every last one of them is proceeding well, with only a couple slight delays thus far. I planned to sort my bank accounts out so that I could have funds to renew selling items on ebay. I've done that, the nice bonus sum I got from work at the end of March went a big way towards restoring my finances to a more manageable level, as did my banks agreement to extend my overdraft capacity by £100 for a 2 month period, so I would not continue to be hit by fees. Thanks to both of those measures I have begun getting out of the hole I dug myself into.

I have renewed selling on ebay now. The first 2 batches of auctions raised about £150 in all and that money will bring my accounts fully out of the red for the first time in... I don't know how long. I have one item on ebay at the moment, but as I have all of next week off, I will be spending a good deal of that time sifting through the boxes under my bed. I will be arranging the stuff I own into lots for listing on ebay, and taking the needed photographs. I am going to clear out the stuff I no longer want or need, and in doing so I am going to clear my debts.

I dusted off the home study course I bought back in 1998 and never finished earlier this year, and resumed my studies. This time I completed the course, sat both exams and mailed the papers off for grading. Today I received my diploma in the post. I passed both Proofreading and also Copy Editing with a Merit grade in each. Not the best I could have hoped for, but better than scraping in by the skin of my teeth with a mere Pass. Again I will be putting my holiday to good use by sending out mails to publishing houses to inquire about the possibility of freelance work. That money too (should I earn any) will go to clearing away debts.

Also arriving in the post today was a parcel... well okay I had to go and fetch it from the Royal Mail sorting office, as there was a customs fee to pay. Inside were the last of what I consider to be the basics. I'm not interested in a girlfriend, too much compromise involved. I seek a kajira instead and if all goes well, she should be arriving in a couple weeks time. There are certain basics required for owning and keeping a kajira. I now have what I need to ensure that my girl is kept properly, as she would expect to be kept.

The only glitch thus far in my year has been the news at work that I am to be moved from the Admin dept, back to the Cake Shop where I worked before. I am unhappy about this development which was explained to me yesterday, but I am not in any position to do anything about it. Still, this does give me added motivation towards getting freelance proofreading work and then getting enough regular work in that field, that I can quit my job in the supermarket for good. That is a longer term plan though, but should be acheivable within the next year I believe. Too while I do not wish to return to the Cake Shop (despite getting to work in close proximity to both Dan and Richard again which is a bonus), the hours in that department are far more reliable than they are in Admin, which makes planning around them much easier.

Everything (well almost everything) is proceeding according to my design. Always a step forward, never a step back. Be slow, be steady, be sure. Never has my motto seemed more appropriate than now.

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