Saturday, April 29, 2006

Adventures With Cabinets

Well not really a cabinet per se, more of a chest of drawers but that doesn't make for a good title. I've needed a chest of drawers for ages, as the three drawers at the base of my wardrobe do not suffice to store my clothes as well as my bedding. As a result for the past year or so, my laundry would get washed and dried, folded and then placed on a chair at the foot of my bed. And as the pile on the chair would go down, so the pile in my laundry basket would rise, until the process was repeated all over again.

Clearly with another person soon to be living here, that routine cannot continue and so I set out this morning to find a chest of drawers. I didn't bother with the places selling new ones, they would all come flat packed and require assembly. Dad has the DIY skills in my family, not me. Lady Luck was smiling on me today though, as I struck paydirt in the first shop I looked in, the St. Margaret's Somerset Hospice Charity Shop by The Bridge. A three drawer pine chest of drawers for just £25. Still, I've learned to always shop around, so keeping that chest in mind, I set off to look around the other charity shops in town that deal in furniture to see if any of them had anything better.

To cut a long story short (unusual of me I know), they didn't. I headed back to the Hospice Shop and ponied up the money for the chest of drawers. I was asked then if I wanted it delivered and learned that it would set me back another £7.50. Also the only day they could deliver it in the next two weeks was this coming Wednesday afternoon, which I didn't know whether I had off work or not. Leaving the paid for chest in the shop, I headed to Morrisons and phoned Tony. He's been working out for the past couple months now, so figured I'd give him a use for his muscles.

I also phoned my parents house, but Dad must have been out at the time because there was no response to the call. Buying a cold drink I sat outside to wait for Tony to arrive (having told him to try and bring Gareth along too). Tony turned up as I was talking to a fellow Cake Shop worker by the name of James Whitfield, though Gareth had passed on lending a hand. We walked to the store and picked up the cabinet to carry the thing back across town to the house, mostly via Goodland Gardens.

It's a bloody good job that chest of drawers had wheels on it that's for sure, as it made getting the damn thing back here a hell of a lot easier. To be fair, Tony did carry most of it for a big chunk of the way, while I lightened the load by carrying a couple of the drawers. Once we got it back here, I had to pack up the old dining table that I had half folded up for use as a table to paint miniatures on. I packed all that up and put it away. The table is down in the lounge now. My room looks a lot tidier as a result of this change (and the couple black bags of rubbish I threw out also helped). I believe I am now as ready as I can be for my kajira's arival.

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