Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Wandering Scribe

So I was reading through the BBC News website and I came across an article about how a Blogger has managed to get herself a book deal with Harper Collins. The blog in question is called The Wandering Scribe and it is written by a woman who has been homeless for the past nine months, spending that time living in her car in a woodland. She has been using the free computers at the local library to write her blog (ostensibly whilst there to search for jobs).

Initially I thought "well done", good on her you know? She has after all just moved into a rented home and is getting herself back on her feet again. And then I took a read through the blog, starting at the very beginning like her front page suggests. In the comments for the very first post, she mentions how great it would be, if a publisher discovered her blog. Call me cynical (and plenty have done just that), but this strikes me as yet another case of someone putting themself in a situation in order to milk it for all it's worth, not unlike the morons who are dredged up to frequent every incarnation of the Big Brother house.

Reading further through the blog, it becomes blatantly obvious that this woman (Anya is her name), is doing just that. She gets numerous offers of help, and plenty of good advice and ignores all of it. If she truly wanted out of homelessness she could have done that months back. Andy Warhol and his prediction of everyone getting 15 minutes of fame has a lot to answer for!

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