Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Quiet Couple Of Days

I had yesterday and the day before that off work. Aside from a brief trip to the newsagent around the corner to fetch milk and a paper yesterday, (and a packet of choc muffins whilst I was there!) I didn't leave the house. I saw no reason to do so. Didn't do much at all on Monday and I'm honestly not sure why. By rights I should have done some studying and revising for my course, but I just seemed to be in a fugue state the whole day through. Very weird experience.

I got the tenth module read through on Tuesday, which now leaves me with the last one (turns out there were eleven modules in all, not ten as I'd originally thought) to do. That's the exam, which leads to a diploma in Proofreading & Copy Editing. I'm not that hot on the Copy Editing part. It does pay better, but not that much better. Not for the amount of hassle which seems to go with that job. Thanks but no thanks.

I'm going to re-read through modules 2 (Proodreading), 4 (Grammar and Spelling) and 5 (Punctuation), make notes on them and cement those parts of the course into my head before I tackle the exam itself. I reckon a couple weeks of revision should suffice to prepare me for the final test.

I've watched a couple DVD's too, which I bought last week (they were on cheap in work), namely Enemy at the Gates (great film about snipers fighting a duel amidst the rubble of the city of Stalingrad... and it has Rachel Weisz in it!), and also The Bourne Supremacy (which is a very tense and in place brutal spy thriller starring Matt Damon). I'd seen both of them before at the cinema, and they'd been on my "To Get" list for a while. Two bargain price additions to my DVD collection.

I was back in work today though, but that shift was slow too, with just me and my boss in the office, the other admin clerks having today and tomorrow off work. I think I'm going to make myself a mug of hot chocolate (got a low calorie sachet with white choc flavour to try out), and watch a cartoon or two before grabbing an early night.

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