Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It's Pancake Day!!

Or rather Shrove Tuesday if you want to be all Christian and give it its proper name. In times gone by, today is when the monk's would basically eat till they burst, clearing out their larders and such, as from tomorrow (Ash Wednesday) they would fast for the forty days of Lent. But I'm not religious, not even a little bit and so today is Pancake Day.

This is the first Pancake Day in a long while in which I have had pancakes to eat, as I bought a couple packs of ready made ones from work at the end of my shift today. And because I'm a nice guy (as evidenced by my always finishing last), I bought enough for the house. I also bought a bottle of syrup, Banoffee syrup to be exact. Quite nice it is too, but then I'm a sucker for Banoffee in general. I even bought a bottle of Banoffeeade once... and the less said about what that tasted like the better!

Pancakes with syrup and a mug of coffee to drink with it. Not even remotely a healthy meal by anyones standards, but as I've not had pancakes for years, I'm not going to be feeling guilty for enjoying it!

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