Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I'm Back... Miss Me?

It sure is nice to be back on the net after an absence of a few days. Okay, so I grabbed an hour of surfing on the computers in the town library yesterday, but those things take forever to load webpages, when compared to the broadband connection that I am used too. So I'm not counting that. We've not had an internet connection in the house since late last week though, as our broadband provider decided that we hadn't paid our monthly fee (despite it being set up for them to take the money) and cut off our access.

Cue a weekend of Tony growling at them down the phone to get their act together and re-connect us and them giving all the usual tried and tested excuses, resulting in the past weekend being spent without acce3ss to my favourite webpages such as the dozen or so webcomics I follow, the roleplay chatrooms I hang out in, the message boards I frequent and comment on and of course this blog. Sure is nice to be back!

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