Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I've not posted anything for a couple days now, because I've been unable to do so. This is due to an upgrade to the houses internet connection, courtesy of our ISP: Bulldog DSL. Last year we signed up to an improved package to what we had. What we had was a 2MB broadband connection. Not too shabby, but not good enough, as we would regularly use all of that up between 3 PC's, especially on the weekends when Tony does a lot of downloading of the latest TV episodes.

So we signed up to a combined package, which would give us an 8MB broadband connection, as well as include our telephone line rental, local and national calls, all inclusive for a slightly greater fee. This was suppossed to have been installed back in October. It wasn't! On the plus side, we weren't being charged for the new features until they were up and running. We just had to wait.

Last week, the company finally got around to upgrading our service, but not without a few hiccups. Namely the connection turning itself off all the time, in intervals ranging from 5 minutes to as little as 10 seconds! To say this was extremely annoying would be putting it mildly. Tony phoned up the company and got a job reference number and a statement that all should be well within 24 hours.

To be fair it did take them about that time, but it sure did feel longer. Nice to have the net back though, and now it is running much better than before, with ample bandwidth for all of us. I've used the time to tidy up my room a bit, and paint some miniatures, which I'd not done is quite a while. Even finished four of them. I'll have to do a bit of painting more often from now on, it certainly eats up the time!

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