Saturday, October 21, 2006

Carnival Capers

Not that I got up to any capers mind you, I just stood and watched for a while. This evening Taunton had its annual carnival, an event that I'm not a fan of. Perhaps its being dragged down there as a kid by my prents to stand on a roadside and watch the floats and bands go by in the cold that soured me on the experience. that or it being roughly the same thing every year, so once you've seen it once, you're really missing all that much by skipping future perfomances.

Anyway, for whatever reason I've given the carnival a pretty wide berth for the last decade or so, and would have done so again tonight, only whilst talking to my friend Dan Shapter in work today, I came to the realisation that while I've seen it before, plenty of other people haven't. Such as most of the people reading this article. So I resolved to go down and watch it tonight and take my digicam with me to snap a few pics and post them here.

Well I went down and while I missed the first part of the carnival (cos it started at 7pm and I didn't get to the Market House to watch it go past there until about an hour later, because of watching the episode of Robin Hood that was on TV), I did watch the back half of the procession though and I took a load of photos... most of which have turned out crap. I took about 20 photos in all and out of that I have a grand total of two that are any good at all, so here they are:

As you can probably tell they are two halves of the same float. A shame really, as I would have preferred to have a couple different floats to show pics of, but if it has to be one, then I'm glad it was this one as it was big, loud, very bright and it looked stunning. I'll try and do a better Carnival report for next year.

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