Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Nap Attack

I finished work at 4:30pm today and after buying a bottle of Iced Tea from the store I work in, made my way home through the park. I don't really remember the walk home, but at some point just after 5pm I got home and sat at my computer for a bit. I can remember talking to Tony on MSN and telling him that he had one of those "You weren't in" notes from the Royal Mail waiting for him, and he saying that he'd drop by the Sorting Office on his way home to pick up whatever parcel it was.

I was tired and so I decided to take a nap. As I don't have work today, I didn't set my alarm and decided I'd just let my body decide when it had had enough sleep. I was a lot more tired than I thought it seems. I've just woken up after a NINE AND A HALF HOUR Nap!! So it's now gone 3am, I'm wide awake and couldn't sleep now if I tried (and I have). What to do, what to do?

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