Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Thunder And Lightning

Or instead of dinosaurs devouring hapless humans, I could sit in the bay window of my room in the house I share with my mates Tony and Gareth, and watch and listen as nature shows her teeth. A few minutes ago a monster of a storm broke over the town where I live and work, the cloudy afternoon sky flashing now and then, the lightning really not all that impressive.

But the rain and the thunder... it is lashing it down outside. I'm sat in the warmth of my nice dry window seat, sipping a pint of coffee from my Marvin the Martian mug watching the road become a river, and hearing the rolling booming of the sky as it shakes. No wonder ancient peoples thought that gods were doing battle and wanted to appease them.

And it was glorious sunshine only a half hour ago. I'm enjoying (with a bit of guilt) the sight of people in just T-shirts scurrying for cover, or cycling like maniacs to get home, as they get utterly drenched.

*Yells out the window at the sky* "Is that the best you can do, I'm not impressed. Come on, bring it!"

A Day Off Work

Ahhh so, with the blog put together and looking nice, about time I wrote something worth reading in it. Not sure this will qualify.

I have today off work, so while not making cream cakes and danish pastries for the ever hungry masses, I've been busy in other ways. Namely a lot of walking about town. See I ordered a book off last week, free delivery and it arrived at the house on Saturday... only I wasn't there at the time, I was in work (don't ask me why the Royal Mail insists on the frankly idiotic policy of trying to deliver parcels to residential addresses in the late morning. I mean honestly, who do they expect to be home at that time?) and my housemate Gareth was at home. And he was asleep. And he didn't hear the door knocker despite sleeping in the room next to the front door, with his bedroom door open. So I got the red card "Sorry you weren't in" through the door.

Couldn't get the book Saturday, finished work at 3pm, sorting office closed at 1pm. Couldn't get the book Sunday, soprting office not open at all. Couldn't get the book Monday, Bank Holiday so again no sorting office. Couldn't get the book Tuesday.. okay I could have, but I had work at 11:30am-8:30pm, it was closed after I finished work and I preferred to lie in bed in the morning. So today I had to trek across town to get that parcel, which as I figured it would be, was the novel I ordered (as I have a few other parcels on the way too, but the book was the most likely to arrive first). The novel being The City of Splendors by Elaine Cunnigham and Ed Greenwood. I read a lot of Forgotten Realms novels, love that world!

So anyway, I got that done, then had to head to work to drop off a digital camera I borrow often from my parents for the purpose of taking pics for my ebay auctions, as my mum works in the same store as me. Only I've gotten confused about the time and its 11am, she;'s not in work till noon. Luckily on the way I run into Jon, my ex-housemate, and we spend the next hour wandering about town while I trade in some old DVD's I no longer wanted, and used the money towards a KFC breakfast and the new Jurassic Park Trilogy box set. Mmmmm dinosaurs!!

That done, I trek back to work and then around and around the supermarket trying to hunt down my elusive mother. finally getting fed up of this, I go to the customer Service Desk and get them to summon her, hand over the camera and then head for home.

I decided to take the scenic route back, which took me past Lidl's (a cheapie supermarket), I detoured inside, and picked up some food for the next couple days (got tomorrow off work too!), as well as a bottle of vodka with orange and lemon juice in it (and fruit pulp!!), which I am sat here drinking mixed with Apple and Blackcurrant juice drink and a lot of ice cubes. Very nice it is too, especially as the weather is hot outside.

So it's not even 3pm yet, I'm thinking filling the afternoon by slouching on the sofa downstairs watching dinosaurs eat humans is a pretty good idea. See you soon!

Looking Good

Got the header picture to work, so at least the place looks like home now.

EDIT: Also added the Links section to the sidebar today as this format "Scribe" doesn't come with that for some reason. Still the gif existed in the directory with the Recent Posts and Archives gifs, so dug that out, and used it to keep the place looking nice.

Testing 1 2 3...

nothing much to write now, just getting this thing kick started.