Wednesday, January 16, 2008

State Of The Bob Address

So it's my birthday today. Another year of my life has passed me by without me having really achieved anything apart from grow a bit older. I tried to lose weight this year and for a time succeeded, but I'm pretty sure it's all come back home now. I certainly don't feel any slimmer anymore. I think my level of debt has decreased but not by much. Hopefully the court case that the the Office of Fair Trading began against the banks on Monday will resolve the disputed bank fees case and I can claim back the seven thousand pounds that HSBC has overcharged me over the past six years. That money would go a long way towards sorting out my life.

Despite all my efforts, I have been single all year long, and while I've had a few chats with women and even flirted a bit, nothing has come of any of it. I'm obviously hoping for better luck in the year to come, but I'm not exactly going to hold my breath on that score. No matter how optimistic I try to be about my prospects for finding a partner, something always brings reality into focus. Currently that would be my rather pitiful rating on the Hot or Not feature on my Facebook account, where after 60 votes I currently rate a dismal 3.4 out of 10! Not that that overly surprises me. I keep telling the people who tell me that I'm attractive, that if I was truly attractive, that people would be attracted to me... and nobody is!

Today will be spent the same way I've celebrated my birthday for the past few years, namely I'll be spending the day with my best friend Tony Searle (whose birthday it is also), and together we'll be grabbing lunch at Pizza Hut, followed by watching 2-3 movies back to back and then likely hitting the Hollywood Bowl for bowling and beers to round off the evening.

So that's it really, another year gone and pretty much wasted. I continue to plod on through life without any real aim or desire save to reach the end of it. Only in that sense can the past year be viewed as a sucess, as I am one year further along the path to the end of my life. Far too many more to go though it seems. Guess I'll just take them one year at a time same way everyone else does and maybe somewhere along the way I'll find a reason to wish they passed me by a bit slower than they do. But I didn't find her this year.

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