Song lyric time. I like this song and I'm not really sure why. I don't really like anything else that Sinead O' Connor has done apart from Nothing Compares To You, and this song is nothing like that one. I think maybe it is the profound sense of hope in the lyrics, that the singer is grateful for the experience of a love lost, even though it devastated her when it was over, because she is a stronger person for that experience. It harks back to the old adage that "whatever doesn't kill you, only makes you stronger". Yes I think that might well be what I love about this song.
Thank You For Hearing Me by Sinead O' Connor
Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for seeing me
Thank you for seeing me
Thank you for seeing me
Thank you for seeing me
And for not leaving me
And for not leaving me
And for not leaving me
And for not leaving me
Thank you for staying with me
Thank you for staying with me
Thank you for staying with me
Thank you for staying with me
Thanks for not hurting me
Thanks for not hurting me
Thanks for not hurting me
Thanks for not hurting me
You are gentle with me
You are gentle with me
You are gentle with me
You are gentle with me
Thanks for silence with me
Thanks for silence with me
Thanks for silence with me
Thanks for silence with me
Thank you for holding me
And saying "I could be"
Thank you for saying "Baby"
Thank you for holding me
Thank you for helping me
Thank you for helping me
Thank you for helping me
Thank you, thank you for helping me
Thank you for breaking my heart
Thank you for tearing me apart
Now I've a strong, strong heart
Thank you for breaking my heart